The Village should promote the development of a cultural park / performing arts center on the property it owns known as the Altenheim property. This site has all of the attributes necessary to be developed into an amazing entertainment and recreation center for Forest Park, Oak Park, River Forest, and the entire area.
For years, Forest Park has been considered a nice place to live and a great spot to go to for dinner and drinks in the western suburbs.
With our central location in the metro area, we have the chance to be, not only a place to come for dinner and drinks, but a place that that will attract people from all over the region to come for music, theater, and the arts.
Further posts will provide details of the proposal.
Committee Members:
Andrea DiFebo
Ralph DiFebo
Gary Frantzen
Paul McKenna, Starship Subs
Richard "Chubs" Polfus
Kim Rostello
Amy Storey
Amy Turilli
Link to The Concept
Link to The Video
Link to Express Your Opinions (Take the Survey)
Link to Contact the Committee Directly
Forest Park has an exciting opportunity to develop a Cultural Park / Performing Arts Center on the Altenheim property. This site has everything needed to become an amazing entertainment and recreation center for the western suburbs.