Sunday, January 17, 2016

Neighborhood Meeting Held on January 14, 2016

Hello everybody
One of our neighbors on the 1500 block on Elgin Avenue (Forest Park) invited her neighbors to an open house so we could talk about the Altenheim proposal. It was well attended, about eleven neighbors were able to stop in. We described our vision and answer a wide variety of questions from who might run the park to parking and security.
We are planning other outreach events.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Oak Park River Forest Foundation - Grant Application

Just a short update. As you may be aware, Ralph DiFebo has been working with the Kiwanis Club of Forest Park in promoting the Cultural Park. With the help of the Kiwanis Club we have applied for a grant being offered by the Oak Park River Forest Foundation. They are offering a grant up to $50,000 for a “Big Idea” that will change the community. Our proposal is currently being reviewed and the Foundation will be announcing their grantees at the end of February.

The money would be used to further the conceptual development of the proposal.

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